Taller fácil y práctico para descubrir tu conexión con el Campo Cuántico

I created this synthesis of more than 10 tools to help you connect with your inner self in your daily life, and that you can receive the answer that this is only for YOU.

Instruments that are the heritage of the human being, already used by our ancestors, but for different interests, not have been so interested that we know and we empoderemos. Apply the foundations of the ancient wisdom and quantum systems of the future, for which we use them in our benefit, that of other people and of Humanity.

Remember your origin, the connection with your Higher Self, your essence multi-dimensional, to get to know you better and to know of any questions you may have about the different areas of your life: family, relationships, health, wealth, work,etc

How can you work?:- Make decisions - you need to Know - Project and mission of life - The " why "something" that does not flow - Foods that benefit

– Intolerances, allergies - Origin of ailments - Gaps of any kind, vitamins,...- Emotions that you are blocking, trauma,...- Relationships, businesses, projects, energies that do not suit - Children - Transgenerational - Animals - Everything!!

¡Treat yourself to a quantum leap for your evolution!



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The ceremony of cocoa since it was practiced by our ancestors thousands of years ago and today more and more people make them.
The ceremonies of cocoa is used for many reasons, encounters, partings, search, vision, conflict resolution, etc., have their roots in help rebalance the energies within us and restore the tranquility and inner peace.
It creates a circle of reunion with ourselves and our heart, helps our listening internal.
Through guided meditations and a dose of cocoa more focused, we feel elevate our state of mind toward states of creative thinking, mindfulness, increased energy, and a feeling of joyful well-being.
The highest concentration of antioxidants make raw cacao a true fountain of youth. Alkalizing, invigorates the heart, the first source of magnesium, relaxes the nervous system.
Además el cacao aumenta la feniletalamina y los niveles de dopamina, por eso el chocolate se considera como estimulante de "la química del amor" y también un placentero antidepresivo.
Tras tu reserva, te daremos indicaciones más precisas a seguir, previas a la ceremonia.
Contáctame si quieres incluir esta actividad en tu Centro, Encuentro o Retiro. Tambien se puede complementar con el Taller del Chocolate 100% puro, eco y crudo.
Sumergiéndonos en el fascinante mundo del "Raw chocolate",con una de las mejores variedades de cacao del mundo, sin el masivo procesamiento y refinamiento, sin grasas saturadas y manteniendo sus maravillosas propiedades super nutritivas, que le hacían ser uno de los alimentos más sagrados para las antiguas civilizaciones. El alimento de los Dioses .
Haciendo Bombones crudos, Rawnie y tarta de chocolate cruda. ¡Date un subidón sano y super rico con el chocolate crudo!